Message: “Overcoming Hindrances to Building Relationships (Part 4)” from Elder Julian Watkins, Associate Pastor
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CloseElder Julian Watkins, Associate Pastor - February 4, 2020
Disciples’ Relation to Each Other
Jesus clearly states how the disciples’ and our relationship with each other should be grounded by our love for Him.
Scripture References: John 15:12-17
From Series: The Gospel of John (Bible Study) | More Messages from Elder Julian Watkins, Associate Pastor
From Series: "The Gospel of John (Bible Study)"
The Gospel of John describes the life and ministry of Jesus Christ based on a thematic approach revealing the Truth and implications of the Gospel message.
John Chapter 15--v John 15 1-11 Jesus is the Vine (Part 2) Handout John Chapter 15--v John 15 12-17 Disciples' Relation to Each Other Handout
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February 4, 2020
Disciples’ Relation to Each Other
Elder Julian Watkins, Associate Pastor
John 15:12-17

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Luke 24:13-32

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Things To Avoid (Part 1)
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James 4:1-10

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Things To Avoid (Part 2)
Elder Julian Watkins, Associate Pastor

December 29, 2020
Things To Avoid (Part 3)
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James 4:1-10

January 5, 2021
Things to Avoid (Part 4)
Elder Julian Watkins, Associate Pastor
James 4:11-17