Message: “Standing Strong in the Strength of the Lord” from Elder Julian Watkins, Associate Pastor
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CloseElder Julian Watkins, Associate Pastor - February 13, 2022
Standing Strong in the Strength of the Lord

Taking a stand about and for something has challenges, especially regarding topics involving the Bible and Christian living. In today’s sermon, we learn the spiritual implications of what the Apostle Paul says about a call to be strong, stand firm, struggle, and/or battle.
Scripture References: Ephesians 6:10-1013
Related Topics: armor of god, christian living, courage, spiritual maturity | More Messages from Elder Julian Watkins, Associate Pastor | Download Audio
From Series: "Armor of God"
Paul's description of the Armor of God consists of five defensive pieces: the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of the gospel, shield of faith, and the helmet of salvation. We also have two offensive weapons: the sword of the spirit and prayer. All seven pieces help believers overcome the power of Satan.
More From "Armor of God"

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Given Peace To Give Peace: Feet Shod with the Gospel
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February 13, 2022
Standing Strong in the Strength of the Lord
Elder Julian Watkins, Associate Pastor
Ephesians 6:10-1013