Message: “Why are So Many Millennials Leaving the Church? (Part 2)” from Elder Jerry Seawright, Pastor
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CloseDeacon Mark Stevenson - January 21, 2020
Session 6: Members Expectation
This session is based on Thomas Rainer’s book I Am a Church Member. At NLCC, we expect members to be functioning, unifying, unselfish, prayerful, healthy, and giving.
From Series: Discovery Class | More Messages from Deacon Mark Stevenson
From Series: "Discovery Class"
Do you have questions after visiting or learning about NLCC? These class sessions examine the basic doctrine of our church, an explanation of the components of our mission statement, and a discussion of what it means to be a church member.
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God‘s Wrath Against Man: The Bad News Before the Good News (Part 1)
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